Professional Acupuncture Melbourne
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is a foundational component of traditional Chinese Medicine, involving the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. This process is designed to stimulate the body's energy flow, or Qi, and promote balance within the body's systems. By targeting these energy pathways acupuncture attempts to influence the body's natural healing response, enhance circulation, reduce pain and improve overall health.
What Are Acupuncture's Benefits?
Acupuncture has a number of key benefits including correcting imbalances in the body, promoting the body's natural healing response and improving overall health and wellbeing.
Chinese medicine theory takes a holistic approach to health and believes that disruptions to the natural balance of the body leads to the manifestation of health conditions and symptoms. By correcting these imbalances acupuncture works to assist a wide variety of conditions and health problems. Here are some of the key conditions acupuncture is traditionally used for:
The use of acupuncture for the treatment of pain is well documented. In Chinese medicine theory pain results from the stagnation or slow down of the flow of blood or qi through the body, there is a saying in Chinese medicine 'when there is free flow, there is no pain and when there is pain, there is no free flow'. Acupuncturists treat this lack of free flow through diagnosing and addressing the cause of this stagnation and working to restore the correct flow and balance to the body. There is considerable research regarding the use of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and a combination of the two for treating pain in varying parts of the body. You can find the links to the research here.
Acupuncture is one of the two common treatments (the other being herbal medicine) traditionally used in Chinese medicine in the treatment of women who are trying to get pregnant, are already pregnant or recovering in post pregnancy. Acupuncture when used by a trained practitioner is a safe and beneficial way to prepare the body for pregnancy as well as correcting any imbalances that may be preventing a pregnancy from taking place. Treatment for infertility at The Grove Chinese medicine usually consists of a combination of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture to achieve the best results. There are a number of studies which have shown that the use of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can have a positive impact on pregnancy rates. Acupuncture treatment is also regularly used in combination with IVF with an increasing number of studies showing that this can have a positive impact on fertility rates. Once pregnant acupuncture is regularly used for assisting with overall health and comfort during pregnancy and can assist with issues that may arise during pregnancy such as breech presentation. We believe the use of herbal medicine is a fundamental part of the Chinese medicine treatment of infertility and would strongly recommend that acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are used in conjunction by an experienced practitioner to achieve the best results.
Endometriosis is described in Chinese medicine as resulting from the slowdown and stagnation of blood flow in the pelvis. This stagnation gradually becomes visible by laparoscopy as endometrial lesions. Acupuncture treatments for endometriosis attempt to diagnose the cause of this blood stagnation, addressing the underlying issue and promoting the flow of qi and blood. Chinese herbal treatments for endometriosis usually consist of acupuncture treatments as well as Chinese herbal medicine. For a more detailed explanation of how Chinese medicine can help visit our page on endometriosis.
Having sleep issues can mean a number of things to different people such as having trouble falling asleep, having trouble staying asleep, waking up feeling groggy, sleep apnea amongst others. Chinese medicine sees poor sleep as a manifestation of an underlying condition, this could be a mental issue such as anxiety, a physical issue such as pain or alternatively an issue that is harder to pinpoint in western medicine but has a theoretical Chinese medicine framework such as liver qi stagnation. Acupuncture is traditionally used for a variety of sleep related conditions. See research here as well as being effective at treating conditions such as anxiety, pain and other underlying conditions. Chinese herbal medicine can also be effective in treating sleep issues.
Acupuncture is traditionally used in the treatment of a variety of digestive issues such as IBS [see research], constipation [see research], loss of appetite or excessive appetite, nausea, heartburn, reflux [see research], burping, indigestion and hypoglycemia. A combination of both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is usually the most effective however if one’s digestive system is so weak that herbal treatments are not tolerated, a course of gentle acupuncture treatments may be used to gradually strengthen the ability to handle foods and herbs.
In Western dermatology problems are often treated with topical creams or strong medications that help superficially but often do not treat the root cause. The relief may be instant and strong, but sometimes these medicines are too strong to be able to be sustained over a long period of time. Chinese medicine takes a more holistic approach to healing seeing the skin as a reflection of the internal health of the body. A Chinese medicine treatment while addressing the symptoms will also look to resolve the underlying issues, utilising herbal medicine treatments and addressing diet and lifestyle to attempt to resolve the root cause. Acupuncture is usually used in conjunction with herbal medicine to address the problem both at the clinic and while the patient is at home. For a more detailed explanation of how Chinese medicine can help skin conditions visit our page on dermatology.