Davina Mercuri

Dermatology and Women's Health

Davina in a treatment room sitting in front of Chinese medicine books

Davina Mercuri has been a registered Chinese Medicine practitioner since 2003. She has apprenticed, worked and collaborated with Steven Clavey for more than 20 years and is one of two Australian practitioners to have completed a graduate diploma with renowned British Chinese medicine dermatologist Mazin Al-Khafaji.

Davina has a focus on gynaecology and dermatology due to these mentorships and has worked with countless gynaecology, fertility and dermatology cases. Davina has also had extensive experience assisting patients going through IVF and has worked closely with IVF clinics in Melbourne. 

Davina is a highly skilled herbalist and acupuncturist. She specialises in providing tailored treatments to suit each individual and prides herself on giving realistic advice and support throughout the treatment process. 

Davina has two young children and loves spending time with them, cooking, gardening and going on family camping adventures!

Davina is available for herbal and acupuncture appointments every Tuesday and Thursday and phone consultations every Monday. 

To book with Davina click here, or call the clinic on 96547181